Nutrition Certification Courses

PROPTA recommend that all certified personal trainers must know Nutrition. Without Nutrition fat loss or muscle gain is unattainable. Proper food and supplement application is a must. Understanding food and supplements will make your job dealing with clients more successful.

PROPTA Nutrition certification courses


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Sports Performance Nutrition Certification Course $445.00

Curso de Certificación en Nutrición para el Rendimiento Deportivo $445.00


Nutrition Tech Certification Course

PROPTA recommend that all certified personal trainers must study Nutrition. Without Nutrition, fat loss or muscle gain is unattainable.

Proper food and supplement application is a must. Understanding the digestive system, timing, quality of food, calories, enzymes, protein, fat, carbohydrates and what your clients eat, will make your job dealing with clients much easier to obtain more results, making your clients happier.

The Nutrition Tech Certification course is available:

    1. Home course study
    2. Online course study
    3. 3 sessions course study
    4. in English and Spanish
Click here to learn more and register

Supplementist™ Certification course

     Supplementists™ are trained in all aspects of nutrition and supplements, and qualified to advise people on improving their health through diet and lifestyle with supplementation. Supplementists learn about vitamins, supplements and how to help clients supplement their diets to reach an ultimate life style.

Course Title: 

Certified Supplementist™

Course Duration: 90 days


    1. Applicants must present a high school diploma.
    2. It is advisable to obtain the Nutrition Tech Certification from PROPTA before taking this course.
    3. It is advisable to obtain the Food Handlers Certification for “Proper Food Safety” from PROPTA

The Supplementist Certification Course is available in

    1. Home Course Study
    2. English & Spanish
Click here to learn more and register

      The Nutrition Consultant Certification course  provides students with a grounded approach to working with primary care providers to design diet and nutritional programs for persons with current or previous diagnosed injury or illness and/or for enhancement of any and all sports and physical activities on any level or age.

     Students learn how nutrition influences the intricate feedback between organs, glands, cells and gene expression. For each topic, appropriate research findings and metabolic assessments are introduced to enable students to be more targeted in educating clients on appropriate therapeutic foods, herbs, nutrient support and ultimate physical strength.

The Nutrition Consultant Certification course is available

    1. English and Spanish
    2. Home course study
    3. Online course study
    4. 3 sessions course study
Click here to learn more and register

Sports performance nutrition refers to the science and practice of fueling the body to optimize athletic performance. It involves understanding how different nutrients affect the body during physical activity and using that knowledge to create tailored nutrition plans for athletes.

Proper sports nutrition is essential for athletes of all levels, as it can enhance endurance, strength, speed, and overall athletic performance while also promoting faster recovery and reducing the risk of injuries.

The Sports Performance Certification course is available in

    1. English and Spanish
    2. Home Course Study
    3. Online Course Study
Click here to learn more and register


      Why Food Safety? Food safety is an increasingly important public health issue.Governments all over the world are intensifying their efforts to improve food safety. These efforts are in response to an increasing number of food safety problems and rising consumer concerns.

Definition of Food borne illness: Food borne illnesses are defined as diseases, usually either infectious or toxic in nature, caused by agents that enter the body through the ingestion of food.

Every person is at risk for Food borne illnesses.We promote excellence in providing food safety training to our students.

Our unique and professional approach to training is unmatched in our industry. Why?

    • Our highly qualified directors and trainers are effective at teaching food safety concepts.
    • We’ve developed our curriculum using best practice learning methods.
    • We serve the most important people to help educate the public and insure safety.

The Proper Food Safety is available Online in English only.

Click here to learn more and register

PROPTA Nutrition lectures are taped live during real live classes. They cover everything including discussions by students. Going over real life issues and focusing on detail and proper eating for better health for life. So important to listen and learn.

In English and Spanish

Click here to learn more and register

What You’ll Learn from the PROPTA-CNT Course

Understanding the foundation and the relationship between food and nutrition. The ability to make the correct choices and acquire the knowledge to be able to eat and stay in shape for the rest of your life.Learn about the importance of healthy eating with proper Calories, Protein, Carbohydrates, Fats. Being a personal trainer or not, nutrition is important to all of us no matter what age we are.

Upon completion a student should

    • Have a clear understanding about the digestive system and its functions.
    • Have a clear understanding of proteins, carbohydrates and fats and how
    • these nutrients are essential for a balanced and healthy life.
    • Understand how vitamins and minerals work.
    • Understand portion control know how to guide clients on the basics of nutrition.
    • Understand and implement a nutritional diary to help guide.
    • Understand nutrition labels.
    • Understand meal timing for better performance and fat loss without losing muscle.
    • Test fat and measurements.
    • Guide clients to make good food choices for best results.

What are the prerequisites for the Nutrition Tech course?

    • No Prerequisites for taking the CNT / Nutrition Tech course.

Is there a time limit on this course?

You will have 90 days ( 3 months ) to complete the PROPTA-CNT course and exam. You will have online excess through your desktop or the PROPTA APP.

How is the exam administered?

The PROPTA-CNT / Nutrition Tech Certification course exam is administered online via your computer or via PROPTA app from anywhere and anytime with unlimited attempts within the allowed time.


    • Self Study course
    • Book mailed to you
    • 1 One on One session via ZOOM
    • Online exam with unlimited attempts to pass
    • 90 days to complete
    • Access through PROPTA APP or Desktop
    • Online Self Study course
    • Online access to the E-book
    • Online exam with unlimited attempts to pass
    • 90 days to complete and pass the exam
    • Access through PROPTA APP or Desktop
    • CNT Certification valid for 2 years and must be renewed.
    • Self Study course
    • Book mailed to you
    • 3 One on One sessions via ZOOM
    • Online exam with unlimited attempts to pass
    • 90 days to complete
    • Access through PROPTA APP or Desktop
    • Upon completion, PROPTA-CNT Certification valid for 2 years.


Metabolism is a chemical reaction in the body that will breakdown / catabolic and transform food into very small particles to be absorbed to promote / anabolic  healing, produce energy and help the body defend against illnesses.

The breakdown of food into absorbable protein, carbohydrates and fat, along with nutrition and minerals. The Metabolism speed depends on the person’s food intake and activity level.

En Espanol

El metabolismo es una reacción química en el cuerpo que descompone / catabólico y transformar los alimentos en partículas muy pequeñas para ser absorbidos para promover / anabólico curación, producir energía y ayudar al cuerpo a defenderse contra las enfermedades.

La descomposición de los alimentos en proteínas, carbohidratos y grasas absorbibles, junto con la nutrición y los minerales. La velocidad del metabolismo depende de la ingesta de alimentos y del nivel de actividad de la persona.

4 types of energy.

    1. Thermal Energy to help the body maintain body temperature.
    2. Mechanical Energy to help the body move / kinetic energy.
    3. Electrical Energy to send nerve signals/impulses.
    4. Chemical Energy / basal metabolic system.

Humans obtain energy from Carbohydrates, Proteins and Lipids. That energy is stored in the body in a form that is easily accessed to be used for Thermal, Mechanical, Electrical and Chemical energy.

En Espanol

4 tipos de energía.

    1. Energía térmica para ayudar al cuerpo a mantener la temperatura corporal.
    2. Energía mecánica para ayudar al cuerpo a moverse / energía cinética.
    3. Energía eléctrica para enviar señales/impulsos nerviosos.
    4. Energía química / sistema metabólico basal.

Los seres humanos obtienen energía de los hidratos de carbono, las proteínas y los lípidos. Esa energía se almacena en el cuerpo en una forma de fácil acceso para ser utilizada como energía térmica, mecánica, eléctrica y química.

Building Blocks

Protein is the building blocks of different amino acids that is responsible for building muscles and organs, burning fat, healing and metabolism, production of hormones and antibodies, regulating and ph Level, development and well being, energy and enzymes and immune system.Protein is found in every cell in the human body and is structured from a chain of amino acids.

En Espanol

Bloques de construcción

Las proteínas son los bloques de construcción de diferentes aminoácidos que son responsables de la construcción de músculos y órganos, la quema de grasas, la curación y el metabolismo, la producción de hormonas y anticuerpos, la regulación y el nivel de ph, el desarrollo y el bienestar, la energía y las enzimas y el sistema inmunológico.Las proteínas se encuentran en todas las células del cuerpo humano y están estructuradas a partir de una cadena de aminoácidos.


Carbohydrates come in different forms.

    1. Sugars
    2. Starch
    3. Fiber

Carbohydrates are found in plant foods and dairy products in the form of mild sugar called lactose. Carbohydrates include bread, pasta, potatoes, beans, rice and cereals. Carbohydrates is crucial for the human body to operate and for the brain to function.Carbohydrates is broken down into 5 major classifications:

    1. Monosaccharides / One molecule simple sugar / Glucose
    2. Disaccharides /  Two molecules sugars / Table Sugar / Glucose & Fructose.
    3. Olisaccharides / Thee to ten molecules sugars / Legumes, Wheat.
    4. Polysaccharides / Many molecules of sugars / Starch & Glycogen.
    5. Nucleotides / Nucleosides and Phosphates / Ribose in RNA or Deoxyribose in DNA.

En Espanol

AzúcaresLos hidratos de carbono se presentan en diferentes formas.

    1. Azúcares
    2. Almidón
    3. Fibra

Los hidratos de carbono se encuentran en los alimentos vegetales y en los productos lácteos en forma de un azúcar suave llamado lactosa. Los hidratos de carbono incluyen el pan, la pasta, las patatas, las judías, el arroz y los cereales. Los hidratos de carbono son cruciales para el funcionamiento del cuerpo humano y del cerebro.

Los hidratos de carbono se dividen en 5 grandes clasificaciones:

    1. Monosacáridos / Una molécula de azúcar simple / Glucosa
    2. Disacáridos / Dos moléculas de azúcar / Azúcar de mesa / Glucosa y Fructosa.
    3. Olisacáridos / De tres a diez moléculas de azúcar / Legumbres, Trigo.
    4. Polisacáridos / Muchas moléculas de azúcares / Almidón y glucógeno.
    5. Nucleótidos / Nucleósidos y Fosfatos / Ribosa en el ARN o Desoxirribosa en el ADN.

Fatty Acids or Lipids.

Fat is a substance composed of Fatty Acids and Lipids that is stored in the body to serve as insulation and energy. Fat is made up of three molecules called Triglycerides.Fat that we eat is different from the Fat that is stored on the body. Fat that we eat is essential  to support cell function and energy and helps protect organs and help keep the body warm and help with hormone production and storage of vitamins and nutrients and build cell membrane.Fat can be stored on the body in three ways: Essential, subcutaneous and visceral.

    • Essential fat is necessary for a healthy functional body
    • Subcutaneous Fat found under skin and around the waste
    • Visceral / abdominal Fat protects the organs

En Espanol

Ácidos grasos o lípidos.

La grasa es una sustancia compuesta por Ácidos Grasos y Lípidos que se almacena en el cuerpo para servir de aislamiento y energía. La grasa está formada por tres moléculas llamadas Triglicéridos.La grasa que comemos es diferente de la que se almacena en el cuerpo. La grasa que comemos es esencial para apoyar la función celular y la energía y ayuda a proteger los órganos y a mantener el cuerpo caliente y ayuda a la producción de hormonas y al almacenamiento de vitaminas y nutrientes y a construir la membrana celular.

    • La grasa puede almacenarse en el cuerpo de tres maneras: Esencial, subcutánea y visceral.
    • La grasa esencial es necesaria para un cuerpo sano y funcional
    • La grasa subcutánea se encuentra debajo de la piel y alrededor de los residuosLa grasa visceral/abdominal protege los órganos


Water Hydrates the body. What does that mean?

Drinking water is very crucial and for many reasons:

    • Regulates temperature of the body in hot or cold weather
    • Lubricates joints
    • Prevents infection
    • Help with food digestions and bowl movement
    • Liquefy the blood for better circulation
    • Transports and delivers nutrients all over the body
    • Improves sleep quality, cognition and mood.
    • Prevents headaches, fatigue, confusion and irritability.
    • Flushes the kidneys and remove waste from the body.
    • Help regulate the PH level in blood and regulates heart beats.
    • Helps maintain healthy blood pressure.
    • Moistens tissues in the eyes, nose and mouth.
    • Protects body organs and tissues.
    • Carry oxygen to cells

Hydration by drinking water is considered the vehicle delivery of all important elements for the body.

En Espanol


El agua hidrata el cuerpo. ¿Qué significa esto?

Beber agua es muy importante y por muchas razones:

    • Regula la temperatura del cuerpo cuando hace calor o frío
    • Lubrica las articulaciones
    • Previene las infecciones
    • Ayuda a las digestiones de los alimentos y al movimiento de los intestinos
    • Licua la sangre para una mejor circulación
    • Transporta y reparte los nutrientes por todo el cuerpo
    • Mejora la calidad del sueño, la cognición y el estado de ánimo
    • Previene los dolores de cabeza, la fatiga, la confusión y la irritabilidad
    • Limpia los riñones y elimina los desechos del cuerpo
    • Ayuda a regular el nivel de PH en la sangre y regula los latidos del corazón.
    • Ayuda a mantener una presión arterial saludable.
    • Humedece los tejidos de los ojos, la nariz y la boca.
    • Protege los órganos y tejidos del cuerpo.
    • Transporta el oxígeno a las células.

Se considera que la hidratación mediante el consumo de agua es el vehículo de entrega de todos los elementos importantes para el cuerpo.

Sleep is very essential to the body. Sleeping with the moon and waking up with the sun is one of the most important thinks you can do for optimal function. It is called the Circadian Rythm.The Circadian Rythm is a natural internal process that regulates the sleep-wake cycle which repeats every 24 hours and effects the physical, mental and behavioral changes.

Natural responses to light and dark affect most living things, including animals, plants, and microbes.The Circadian Rythm affects the body wake clock, metabolism, and well being.Waking up and falling asleep at the same time each day helps the body to function at its optimum levels.

Disrupting your sleep pattern can be detrimental to your health and body function. Also keeping regular sleep patterns can help with Fat loss and staying in shape. A certain amount of hours must be obtained during sleep.Sleeping during the day and working during the nite, will definitely disrupt your Circadian Rythm and brake down your health.

En Espanol

El sueño es muy esencial para el cuerpo. Dormir con la luna y despertarse con el sol es una de las cosas más importantes que se pueden hacer para un funcionamiento óptimo. Se llama el Ritmo Circadiano.

El Ritmo Circadiano es un proceso interno natural que regula el ciclo de sueño-vigilia que se repite cada 24 horas y afecta a los cambios físicos, mentales y de comportamiento. Las respuestas naturales a la luz y la oscuridad afectan a la mayoría de los seres vivos, incluidos los animales, las plantas y los microbios.El ritmo circadiano afecta al reloj de vigilia del cuerpo, al metabolismo y al bienestar.

Despertarse y dormirse a la misma hora cada día ayuda al cuerpo a funcionar en sus niveles óptimos.Alterar el patrón de sueño puede ser perjudicial para la salud y el funcionamiento del cuerpo. Además, mantener un patrón de sueño regular puede ayudar a perder grasa y a mantenerse en forma.

Se debe obtener una determinada cantidad de horas de sueño.Dormir durante el día y trabajar durante la noche, definitivamente interrumpirá su Ritmo Circadiano y frenará su salud.

Body Recovery

Every human being must recovery on a daily basis by eating properly and sleeping enough hours to regenerate and heal. Even though most people do not get injured or have problems, but the body must get enough rest to recover. That is what we call rest.

Muscle recovery

Muscle recovery is when humans are involved in physical work, exercise or injury. After a workout, whether it is cycling or running or weight lifting or swimming or hiking or even walking and a lot of time involved in heavy work and construction, the body has extended it resources and must replenish and heal to get back to a normalcy status. Normal means homeostasis equilibrium and stability to adjusting to the conditions for best survival.During the time of recovery, the body is adapting to the stress associated with the exercise or work, replenishing muscle glycogen and energy storage and time for the body tissue to repair.En Espanol

Recuperación del cuerpo

Todo ser humano debe recuperarse diariamente comiendo adecuadamente y durmiendo las horas suficientes para regenerarse y sanar. Aunque la mayoría de las personas no se lesionan ni tienen problemas, pero el cuerpo debe descansar lo suficiente para recuperarse. Esto es lo que llamamos descanso.

Recuperación Muscular

La recuperación muscular se produce cuando el ser humano realiza un trabajo físico, un ejercicio o una lesión. Después de un entrenamiento, ya sea montar en bicicleta o correr o levantar pesas o nadar o incluso caminar y mucho tiempo involucrado en trabajos pesados y de construcción, el cuerpo ha ampliado sus recursos y debe reponer y sanar para volver a un estado de normalidad. Normal significa equilibrio y estabilidad de la homeostasis para ajustarse a las condiciones para la mejor supervivencia.Durante el tiempo de recuperación, el cuerpo se está adaptando al estrés asociado con el ejercicio o el trabajo, reponiendo el glucógeno muscular y el almacenamiento de energía y el tiempo para que el tejido del cuerpo se repare.

Healing the Body

We discussed the way to heal the body and many ways to recover. Keep in mind that the 3 most important ways must be applied in order for each one to be complete. The 3 ways are:

    1. Physical healing
    2. Psychological Healing
    3. Physiological Healing

Think about that. Each one will affect the other and if one is not healed, the other 2 are not enough for the body to function on an optimum level.

En Espanol

La curación del cuerpo

Hablamos de la forma de sanar el cuerpo y de muchas maneras de recuperarse. Tenga en cuenta que las 3 formas más importantes deben ser aplicadas para que cada una sea completa. Las 3 formas son

    1. Curación física
    2. Curación psicológica
    3. Curación fisiológica

Piensa en ello. Cada una afectará a la otra y si una no se cura, las otras 2 no son suficientes para que el cuerpo funcione en un nivel óptimo.

Food hygiene and fresh food is important to our health and well being. Malnutrition can disrupt the body function and detract from the quality of life and sometimes can end a life.

Stale Food:

Is a chemical and physical process that the food is not fresh anymore and can lead to diarrhea, food poisoning, acidity and imbalance in the pH level while digesting causing unpleasant feeling and dizziness and sometimes headaches.

Fresh Food:

which is recently harvested, baked, recently slaughtered and butchered, caught and kept cold to preserve it.Fresh fruits and vegetables, fresh meat, fresh fish contain essential nutrients and provide healthy rich diet.

Safe Food:

Safe is considered not harmful to the body.

Storage of Food:

Raw food and cooked food should be stored separately, in the fridge, keeping bacteria from contaminating the cold cooked food. Also the storage temperature defers for food. Proper food storage helps to preserve the quality and nutrition value of food and keep away harmful bacteria.

Preparation of Food:

many ways to prepare food, many methods and vast range of procedures are applied to improve digestibility and flavor.

Food-born Illness:

This is caused by consuming contaminated foods or beverage that was not stores or prepared properly. Many different diseases-causing microbes or pathogens, bacteria, viruses and parasites can ruin your day.

En EspanolLa higiene alimentaria y los alimentos frescos son importantes para nuestra salud y bienestar. La desnutrición puede alterar el funcionamiento del organismo y mermar la calidad de vida y, en ocasiones, puede acabar con una vida.

Alimentos rancios:

Es un proceso químico y físico por el que los alimentos ya no son frescos y pueden provocar diarrea, intoxicación alimentaria, acidez y desequilibrio en el nivel de pH durante la digestión, lo que provoca una sensación desagradable y mareos y, a veces, dolores de cabeza.

Alimentos frescos:

Los que son recién cosechados, horneados, recién sacrificados y carniceros, capturados y mantenidos en frío para conservarlos.Las frutas y verduras frescas, la carne fresca y el pescado fresco contienen nutrientes esenciales y proporcionan una dieta rica y saludable.

Alimentos seguros:

Se considera que los alimentos seguros no son perjudiciales para el organismo.

Almacenamiento de los alimentos:

Los alimentos crudos y los cocinados deben almacenarse por separado, en la nevera, para evitar que las bacterias contaminen los alimentos cocinados en frío. También la temperatura de almacenamiento difiere para los alimentos. El almacenamiento adecuado de los alimentos ayuda a preservar la calidad y el valor nutritivo de los mismos y a mantener alejadas las bacterias dañinas.

Preparación de los alimentos:

Hay muchas formas de preparar los alimentos, se aplican muchos métodos y una amplia gama de procedimientos para mejorar la digestibilidad y el sabor.

Enfermedades de origen alimentario:

Se producen por el consumo de alimentos o bebidas contaminados que no se han almacenado o preparado adecuadamente. Muchos microbios o patógenos causantes de enfermedades, bacterias, virus y parásitos pueden arruinarle el día.


There is a total of 220 questions. Some questions are research questions and some are videos. The exam is open book. You must pass with a 90% score or better. You will have as many chances to retake the exam for FREE within the allotted 90 days.

Your exam score will be obtained immediately after you submit your exam. If you pass the exam with 90% or higher score, there is no need to retake it / YAY – YOU PASS. But if you do not obtain 90%, you can reset the exam immediately and retake again as many time as you like to pass with 90% or higher.

You have unlimited attempts to take and retake the exam within the given time. So Never wait to the last minute to do your exam.

If you do not pass the exam within the allotted time, you can purchase more time to complete. Remember that you have 90 days to complete the course and exam, that is plenty of time. If you tried many times and still did not pass the exam, then you have the option to add more time.

    1. The First Course/Exam extension fee is $50.00 USD
    2. The Second Course/Exam extension fee is $100.00 USD
    3. The Third Course/Exam extension fee is $150.00 USD and if by then you DO NOT complete and pass, your course will be cancelled.

PROPTA offers support free of charge. Just Ask / Email us at or within your account online, you can send us a message. Please do not hesitate.

You will have 90 days from the date of enrollment to start and take the PROPTA-CNT exam, you will have access to the course content for 1 years.

You will have 90 days from the date of enrollment to start and take the PROPTA-CPT exam, You will have access to the course content for 5 years.The extension for the exam can be purchased by login into your account and extending the course to complete and pass the online exam.

Yes all exams are online, unless you are incarcerated / an inmate in prison, then your exam will be on paper.

You can request help by emailing us to

Yes we can help. You can schedule a session via ZOOM if you are having issues.

Here are your options:

    1. For CNT Home study course, One session is included for Free
    2. For the CNT Online study course, No sessions included.
    3. For the CNT 3 Sessions study course, 3 Sessions are included.

Any extra sessions will be conducted via ZOOM, the fee is $100 USD / email our office to schedule the session

Remember you have one year free support by email or phone.

You may upgrade if you:

  • after completing the CNT – Nutrition Tech Certification course and passed
    • to:
      • Supplementist Certification course
      • Nutrition Consultant Certification course
      • Sport Performance Certification course
    1. CEU’s

Upon passing the PROPTA-CNT exam, you will obtain a Certified Nutrition Tech Certification valid for two years. The PROPTA-CNT Certification will be mailed to your registration address that will be matched with your Drivers License or Government Identification. No electronic certification will be offered or sent via email.

You can request a Xerox copy sent to your Gym or Fitness Center via fax or email. This is a Xerox Copy, not an original or in color.

Please allow 7 days for US National priority mail. Please allow 14 days to 21 days for International priority Mail.

All students must submit the following documentations to obtain any PROPTA certification / NO EXCEPTIONS.

    1. Current Government Identification or Drivers license
    2. Current Proper Food Safety Certification / for nutrition course only
    3. Current head shot / for the Certification ID

PROPTA – PFS Proper Food Safety Certification is offered online via PROPTA website, here is the link to get started. CLICK HERE

Upon passing the PROPTA-CPT exam, you will obtain a Certified Personal Trainer Certification valid for two years. The CPT-PROPTA Certification will be mailed to your registration address that will be matched with your Drivers License or Government Identification. No electronic certification will be offered or sent.Please allow 7 days for US National mail.Please allow 14 days to 21 days for International Mail.All students must submit the following documentations to obtain any PROPTA certification / NO EXCEPTIONS.

  1. Current Government Identification or Drivers license
  2. Current CPR /AED Certification
  3. Current head shot / for the Certification ID

What CPR/AED providers does PROPTA accept?CPR and AED Certification must be hands-on, NO internet / online certification is accepted.You can obtain a CPR/AED from the following organizations.

    1. American Heart Association
    2. American Red Cross

What is a CEU / Continuing Education Credit Units?

     CEU stands for Continuing Education Unit. Continuing education is a very critical part of any trusted & accredited certification program. Continuing education is a must for your knowledge and skills to sharpen, so that you can perform at a higher level and retain the credibility of your PROPTA certification.Visit the CEU / Credit Education Unit page to view more available courses. Click here

Navigate over 250 Approved Continuing Education Credit Units courses and exams
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page


This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page


This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page


This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page


This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page


This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page



Nutrition Tech Certification Home Course$683.12$1,800.00
Nutrition Consultant Certification Course$683.12$1,500.00
Supplementist* Certification Course$1,200.00$1,500.00
Proper Food Safety Certification Course$34.95
Online Sports Performance Nutrition$445.00
Online Nutrition Tech Certification course$445.00
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