Hans Larrave

Joe, Thank you for opening the door for me and letting me in to a bigger world. Hans Larrave – October 13-2012

Hans Larrave

2 thoughts on “Hans Larrave

  1. nosuchagency says:

    Its now 2019. The greatest thing for me gained from PROPTA is the ability to make the right choices in diet and safe choices at the gym or field. You never feel powerless… maybe rusty, maybe outta practice, maybe even fat and winded but you never forget your training. Even if you decide to divorce the bodybuilder/athlete lifestyle for a minute while you gow through a hardship you still feel you have a lifeline there into old age. I have seen and heard of friends injured by crossfit, plagued by shin spints in distance running, bad backs from work, limited mobility in the shoulders by football or baseball, etc. In short, injuries seem to plague humanity, but especially athletes. In the eastern martial arts, forms are emphasized and drilled into an exacting artform. The workout techniques taught by PROPTA are very “shaolin”, they have been meditated upon and not just sets of numbers hastily written onto a chalkboard or downloaded via app. The training aims to preserve joints and tendons, and like boxing your specific body type or weight class is taken into account. Six years later, my training with Joe Antouri and Charles Glass has kept me safe and intact. Unlike other “stranger things” I’ve seen at gyms like ass-pats and massages!? Joe, Charles and their master trainers are very respectful of their female clients and are very much about female empowerment. https://nalani.actor – My daughter’s diet is still very much affected by what she learned at a one day long PROPTA nutrition workshop. If you want to truly be a master of your body hit up PROPTA, talk to Joe Antouri go visit Charles Glass at Gold’s Gym Venice. They will suit you up, pack your parachute and throw you outta the plane. If nothing else, your level of commitment will rocket. It’s 2019, and I’m happy to report that 6 years later I’m still the same drug and injury free Hans with full mobility. I appreciate all the help this health (fitness+nutrition) institution has given me. As soon as my daughter is of age, she will be on her way to train in the safe and sane way of the PROPTA warrior.
    Hans Larrave

  2. nosuchagency says:

    CHECKING IN FOR 2019. The greatest thing for me gained from PROPTA is the ability to make the right choices in diet and safe choices at the gym or on the field. You never feel powerless… maybe rusty, maybe outta practice, maybe even fat and winded, but you never forget your training, never forget you are a personal trainer. Even if you decide to divorce the bodybuilder/athlete lifestyle for a minute, while you go through a hardship, you still feel you have a lifeline there into advanced age. I have seen and heard of friends injured by Crossfit, plagued by shin splints in distance running, bad backs from work and even adventure vacations, limited mobility in the shoulders by football or baseball, etc. In short, injuries seem to plague humanity, but especially athletes. In the eastern martial arts, forms are emphasized and drilled into an exacting artform.

    The workout techniques taught by PROPTA are very “shaolin”, they have been meditated upon and not just sets of numbers hastily written onto a chalkboard or downloaded for the day via app. The training aims to preserve joints and tendons, and like boxing your specific body type or weight class is taken into account. Six years later, my training with Joe Antouri and Charles Glass has kept me safe and intact. Unlike other “stranger things” I’ve seen at gyms like ass-pats and massages!? Joe, Charles and their master trainers are very respectful of their female clients and are very much about female empowerment. https://nalani.actor – My daughter’s diet is still very much affected by what she learned at a one day long PROPTA nutrition workshop. If you want to truly be a master of your body hit up PROPTA, talk to Joe Antouri go visit Charles Glass at Gold’s Gym Venice. They will suit you up, pack your parachute and throw you outta the plane. If nothing else, your level of commitment will rocket. It’s 2019, and I’m happy to report that even though my state is now Up in Smoke, I’m still the same drug and injury free Hans with full mobility. I appreciate all the help this health institution (fitness+nutrition) has given me. As soon as my daughter is of age, she will be on her way to train in the safe and sane way of the PROPTA warrior.
    Hans Larrave | 2019 update

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