Joe Antouri

    CEO and Founder of PROPTA / Professional Personal Trainers Association. A career Education Certification Institute, certifying personal fitness trainers in Scientific Principles and Practical application for fitness and weight resistance.

     Joe Antouri started his career in fitness and nutrition more than 45 years ago.  After attending the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), University of Southern California (USC), California State University Northridge (CSUN), and West Coast University (WCU), he acquired a degree in Science and the knowledge base from which to develop his career.    

Born in Lebanon in 1961, his family’s Christian background and the turmoil afflicting his native land led a young Joe Antouri to emigrate to the United States, where he eventually gained prominence as a competitive bodybuilder also known for his expertise in the science of sports nutrition.

Joseph Antouri is an American physical fitness and nutrition authority, and the author of numerous published books and articles on physical training, nutrition and bodybuilding. Joe also serves as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Professional Personal Trainers Association “PROPTA”, an organization which educates personal trainers and accredits health & training professionals worldwide in scientific principles of fitness and nutrition.

       Joe operated the nutritional departments at World Gym and Gold’s Gym for more than twenty years and consequently is widely regarded as one of the most knowledgeable individuals in the industry due to his extensive experience in nutrition and counseling.During the time he operated the nutritional departments at World Gym and Gold’s Gym, Joe practiced what he preached.

     Joe’s passion for health, fitness and the sculpted physique aided in his determination to compete for prestigious bodybuilding awards nationally and internationally, as did his desire to excel.  As a competitor, he placed first at the Mr. Los Angeles, Mr. Southern California, Mr. California, Mr. USA, World Bodybuilding Championships, and Iron Man, amongst other titles.

     Because of his titles and accomplishments, Joe was featured in several publications worldwide including Muscle and Fitness, Iron Man Magazine, Muscular Development, Modern Bodybuilding, Planet Muscle, Strength and Health Magazine and the Los Angeles Times among others.

     Joe is known as the “Trainer of Personal Trainers” and the Dean of celebrity fitness trainers. There is certainly no shortage of reasons for this.

     Joe has advised some of the biggest names in entertainment media, including “Dr. Phil” and “Oprah”, as well as leading corporations such as Beach Body, Disney, Dream Works, Sony and Universal Studios, Platinum Equity Holdings and many more executives fortune 500. Top professional personal trainers Sagi Kalev “Body Beast”, Sean Lee “Diet War”, Jackie Warner (“Thintervention” and Craig Ramsay “Thintervention”, Dominic Ferrera “Hells Angels Vice President” all benefited from Joe’s personal instruction and insights.

     On another level, his books on fitness and nutrition are published, printed and distributed on and thousands of book stores online or near you including some universities in seven languages and consulted around the world.

     As a recognized authority on Fitness training and Nutrition, he is also an instructor at colleges and universities, as well as for the Federal and State Prisons education programs preparing prison inmates for release back into society.

     Joe’s comprehensive Fitness and Nutrition programs are endorsed by the International Federation of Body Builders / IFBB PRO League  “IFBB PRO”, and the testing which accompanies it qualifies under the GI Bill and the California State Approving agency for veterans. Joe also serves as consultant to Beach Body, the creator of bestselling fitness videos “THE BODY  BEAST” and inspector for schools and programs approval for an accreditation company in the USA.

     Joe has writen columns and articles on dieting, health and exercise in numerous publications including Muscle and Fitness, LA Weekly, Max Muscle, Planet Muscle, The Palisadian Post, SCLARK News (for government employees), Edge Magazine, Frontiers Magazine and Entertainment Today.     

     Having a vision for excellence in fitness and nutrition, Joe set out to develop a certification program that would provide the highest level of curriculum in the fitness trainer’s arena.  From this vision, the PROPTA was born.  The PROPTA offers elite, university-level education toward certification as a private trainer, nutrition specialist, Olympic weightlifting coach, and/or group exercise instructor. PROPTA has become a worldwide private personal training certification company managed by the IFBB PROS (International Federation of Bodybuilding) professional athletes under his super.

     The Personal Trainers Association “PROPTA” Officially Endorsed by the IFBB PRO League Worldwide (203 countries strong) for 7 consecutive years, Officially Endorsed by the National Fitness League and accredited by the Better Business Bureau Worldwide. PROPTA is also expanded internationally having locations in Russia, Finland, Spain, Saudi Arabia, South Korea and Portugal to name just a few.

As a professional personal trainer, CEO and founder of the “PROPTA”, Joe’s clientele consists of presidents and CEO’s of fortune 500 companies, doctors, and film and television executives and talent. Joe’s most recent undertaking is the creation of Fitgum.

     Joe’s creation came about when he decided that there has to be a convenient way to help his clients manage a sensible and healthy lifestyle, along with proper eating habits and off-course exercise.  After extensive research and development, Fitgum has been developed and is now being sold and distributed Internationally.


    • Nutrition & Dietetics.
    • Cleveland Chiropractic College
    • West Coast University – WCU
    • LA Valley College – LAVC
    • Cal State Northridge- CSUN
    • University of California, Los Angeles – UCLA
    • University of Southern California, Los Angeles – USC
    • American University of Beirut, Lebanon

professional leadership

    • ABA Athletic Spokesman and National
    • Judge.AAU National Judge.
    • NPC National Judge.
    • Member of the Student Dietetic and Food Association.
    • Certified Professional Trainers Association.
    • CEO PROPTA / Professional Personal Trainers Association / Fitness & Nutrition Institute
    • CEO FITGUM / creator – Weight Loss Chewing Gum
    • GRIP-IT Creator / Hand Grip for Weight Training

national & international awards

    • NPC-Mr. Physique USA 1st Place.
    • NPC-Mr. Los Angeles 1st Place.
    • NPC-Mr. Southern California 1st Place and Overall Winner / couples 1st Place.
    • AAU-Mr. Central California 1st Place & Best Poser
    • AAU-Mr. California 1st Place.
    • NPC-Superbowl of Bodybuilding Champion 1st Place.
    • NPC-Iron Man Champion 1st Place.
    • NABBA-World Bodybuilding Champion 2nd Place.
    • AAU-Mr. USA 1st Place and Most Muscular Award.
    • NPC-U.S.A. Bodybuilding Champion 3rd  Place.
    • AAU-USA Nationals Bodybuilding Championship 1st Place.
    • WABBA-World Amateur Bodybuilding Championship  7th Place.
    • WABBA-World Amateur Bodybuilding Championship couples 6th Place.

desire . dedication . determination . drive .


West Bloomfield High School 1978 Varsity Soccer Team

1983 to 1990

SQUATS 27 REPS WITH 520 LBS EVERY WEEK With My Training Partner Brian Knapp / RIP




Questions I am asked on a daily basis that I would like to share.

Why PROPTA has Professional Athletes instructors?

When I started at the age of 17, I weighed 105 pounds at 5’6″, the only person that helped me gain weight (muscle) was a professional Athlete & Bodybuilder. He knew exactly what to do to help me gain weight (muscle) Not Fat.

Why PROPTA chooses to only work with professional athletes?

Because they are educated and have been in the trenches, they know how to work with anyone and everyone, males or females, skinny or fat, athletic or not to help them improve their lives and reach their goals. These Athletes have been tested over and over for many years with competition. These athletes have theproper experience, these athletes are the experience.

But I don’t want to look like a bodybuilder !

The word “Bodybuilder” applies to all of us that workout, whether you are in the gym lifting weights or riding the bike or swimming or walking. Bodybuilding is about building the body stronger, flexible, healthy and lean. Doesn’t that make sense ? We are all bodybuilders working out to improve our lifestyles. Fighting gravity, think about it.

PROPTA academy action and testimonials since 1980

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