Why not NCCA? / National Commission for Certifying Agencies

     NCCA (National Commission for Certifying Agencies) does not accredit programs or courses, but instead focuses solely on the certification exams themselves, meaning it evaluates the quality and validity of the exam assessment used to certify individuals in a particular field, not the educational program leading to that exam. 

     NCCA is not recognized by the U.S. Department of Education to grant accreditation nor are they recognized by CHEA.

     NCCA is not recognized by the U.S. Department of Defense and does not qualify programs for Armed Forces Tuition Assistance. Further, the NCCA does not accredit institutions or educational programs, only examinations.

     NCCA specifically states that any organization that seeks accreditation of their examination cannot require candidates to take any of their courses, classes, training, or workshops as a prerequisite to sit for their examination.

What the NCCA is NOT

  •      NCCA is not recognized by the U.S. Department of Education to grant accreditation nor are they recognized by CHEA.
  •      NCCA is not recognized by the U.S. Department of Defense and does not qualify programs for Armed Forces Tuition Assistance. Further, the NCCA does not accredit institutions or educational programs, only examinations.
  •      NCCA specifically states that any organization that seeks accreditation of their examination cannot require candidates to take any of their courses, classes, training, or workshops as a prerequisite to sit for their examination.
  •      NCCA stands for National Commission for Certifying Agencies. This is an organization that basically certifies EXAMS ONLY for fitness certification organizations (and other organizations too). Some are under the impression NCCA accredited fitness certifications are better. NOT TRUE.
  •      NCCA accreditation is very expensive and it does not mean it is better. Organization that choose the NCCA accreditation spend a lot of money and in return that financial burden is passed on  to the consumer. It is for these reasons that the PROPTA “Professional Personal Trainers Association”  chose to seek accreditation from another entity, as they truly represent the Elite level of education and experience.
  •      College transfer credits are determined by individual institutions. Check with your college advisor to see if PROPTA courses qualify at your institution. You can have them call our office to discuss the transfer.


     Can the institutional Accreditation system be used to determine whether my credit hours will transfer or what courses will satisfy my professional renewal? Or is my education valid and recognized.

     1- Accreditation does NOT provide automatic acceptance by an institution of credit earned at another institution, nor does it give assurance of acceptance of graduates by employers.    

     2- Acceptance of students or graduates is always the prerogative of the receiving institution or employer. For these reasons, besides ascertaining the accredited status of a school or program, students should take additional measures to determine, prior to enrollment, whether or not their educational goals will be met through attendance at a particular institution.

     3- These measures should include inquiries to institutions to which transfer might be desired or to prospective employers and, if possible, personal inspection of the institution at which enrollment is contemplated.    

     4- There are some stand-alone post-secondary educational institutions and programs that elect not to seek accreditation but nevertheless may provide a quality post-secondary education and are recognized by a number of highly respected Colleges and Universities around the World.    

     5- Keep in mind that not everyone need or want to be part of an accreditation or recognition. Many Personal Trainers prefer establishing their own business as independent for many purposes. Depending on your preference whether you want to work for someone or become independent and have your own business.      Proper education can be attained from any post-secondary educational institution even if they are not accredited.

     6- Accreditation is NOT mandatory and does not secure proper education nor proper job acceptance. Being qualified does not mean being certified by the most expensive organization. Something to consider is obtaining a reasonably priced cert that you can afford that has a long history and its educators are competent and have experience for many years. Then after you obtain that, stay on track and keep educating yourself from the other organizations also. If you know what’s in their books, you have their knowledge.

Personal Training Certification Vs. License.

     A Personal Trainer Certification is Not a license, nor is it a certificate. In the USA there are no requirements for a license. Personal Trainer Certification is obtained by taking many courses to achieve a certain level of understanding the curriculum and it is not just one course taken over a weekend with a certificate of attendance. There is a huge difference.

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